Episode 61 Elevating Your Essence with Anya Grace of The Elevated Woman

Rock Your Purpose Podcast

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Welcome to Episode 61 of the Rock Your Purpose Podcast!

This episode features an interview with my friend Anya Grace of The Elevated Woman. Get ready to be inspired to live in your essence and your power!

About our guest: Anya Grace is the Founder of the Elevated Woman movement. She’s a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and feminine energy coach. She has a background in Eastern non-dual tantric and Western Esoteric philosophies and traditions.
Anya works with Divine Feminine Wisdom to help women become activators and initiators for a higher potential on the planet.

Inside this episode:

Learn more about her and her work: eastwestinterviews.com, and grab your free gift: your free Elevated Woman activation & training at
elevatedwomantraining.com. You can find her on Instagram at @theelevatedwoman.

Today’s podcast is sponsored by Activate Your Magic!
Activate Your Magic is a super-charged masterclass all about activating your essence & stepping into your magic! This course is a two-part experience designed to light you up & inspire you to connect with your essence and your magic!

Thank you again for joining us here on the podcast.

Big Love,


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