Are Old Stories Holding You Back?

emily perry live awake collective membership spiritual meditation breathwork pranayama personal development

Inner Life

Have you ever felt like you were outgrowing your container?

Your old labels? The way you saw yourself?

It’s as if one day you wake up, and the old stories that you had been narrating your life with seem stale… and just don’t seem to align with who you actually are on the inside.

Right now in these special times, so many people are rewriting their story.

People like you.

They are reclaiming their lives from the autopilot they were running on.

They are getting inspired, rising up, and taking action despite everything.

Here’s what I’ve noticed: the world will always find a way to support our excuses.


AND, it will always find a way to have our back.

The LiveAwake Collective was designed to have your back.

Designed to give you the tools and the community you need to rise up and thrive as your most RADIANT self.

It’s a space where we can connect, move, transform… through all of the modalities I have put together over the years.

A space that feels like a retreat space: inspiring, beautiful, and high vibe.

Now is the time for this kind of work.

The Earth is calling.

Your Heart is calling.

Your SOUL is ready.

Doors to the collective open soon, and I wanted you to be the first to hear when we begin.

Get on the waitlist for the LiveAwake Collective here, and be the first to hear when the doors open.

We can’t wait to dive in with you— join the collective waitlist below.



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