How Presence Shifts Your Whole Life

Life Purpose

Maybe you’re like me and you have spent so much of your life waiting.

Waiting for one thing to happen before you start something else, or waiting to be a “better person” before you make that move.

Before you make that decision, or you wear that dress, or you use those dishes.

And maybe you’re like me and you are ready to stop waiting, and start living.

The thing is, we have everything that we need right here, right now, in this moment.

What are we waiting for?

We keep waiting for a future self to show up, a future self that we deem worthy of living the life we are dreaming of.

But the fact of the matter is– all that we have is who we are right now.

now present moment life purpose spiritual affirmation meditation spirit junkie

Who we are right now in this moment is enough, and worthy of living the life we dream of.

If you’re ready to make that shift, to stop waiting and start living, all you need to do is start where you are, and take a stand for what you want to create in your life.

Chögyam Trungpa, the Buddhist teacher, likens this to being a spiritual warrior: it takes a certain amount of bravery to stand in your full self, in the present moment.

And, when we do that, we get our life back.

We reclaim our life from all the ways that we have given it away to other people. 

When we unconsciously give away our energy to people and situations that drain us, they have a tendency to become energy leaks.

We don’t even see it happening.

So, how do we get our life back? One way, as Trungpa mentions, is to “overcome the barrier you have formed between yourself and others.”

We need to drop the walls we have put up— with others and within ourselves.

The less divided we are within ourselves, the more we can stand in the present moment, and not be afraid of what’s going to show up from our own inner life.

We can stand in the present moment and know with confidence that we have done everything that we could do, with integrity and compassion.

When we drop the barriers, we reclaim lost energy.

My other favorite way to reclaim energy and drop into presence is to say no to things that will lead me away from my intention.

Someone was sharing this wisdom with me with me recently: a “yes” to one thing means a “no” to something else.

Whenever we agree to something it means that we are saying no to something else in our life, and quite possibly no to something that is a better fit for us.

I have found that I can reclaim a whole new level of energy when I use this lens to view my choices. Is this really what I was to be choosing? Is this really where I want to be placing my energy?

And when I come from that place, that place of choice in how I am using my energy, it feels so much more intuitive to be in the now, to stand in presence.

Drop into the present moment…
See what it has to show you.

Once we are present, our life unfolds before us with a natural ease. Our choices become more clear, more obvious. We experience less internal conflict about which direction to go in, because we feel it.

If you feel ready to shed some old stories & really step into the work you feel called to share with the world [even if you don’t know what that is yet], I have something for you.

I designed something called the Purpose Breakthrough Blueprint to support you in breakthrough the barriers [inner and outer] to you standing in your purpose. 

Take the next step and grab your copy below.

Big Love,


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